
hellfish vs. coffee


Fuck coffee!! Wake up with a song from Hellfish's brandnew Seekrank E.P. 
It's hypnotic! Hell yeah!


myface mybook vs. spacebook facespace

Myspace is dead!
That's why we have a Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/hellfishsbdc
Facebook is gay!
That's why we have a Facebook page: Hellfish Facebook

Anyway, we have uploaded 2 Songs taken from our Seekrank EP to burden your stereo boxes with this heavy Psychotrashvolksmusik-Warfare before you get your lazy ass a copy. DO.IT.NOW! Why? 'Cause bitches love that.

brace yourselves, it's here!

Finally, our Seekrank E.P. is ready and rocking!
I know you probably don't care but i do and this is my blog so i can write about it. Ha!

Now, who rules the beaches? Surfers rule! Who rules the surfers? Surf Psychos!
That's why you HAVE TO get your copy NOW and get wasted on the following tracks:

01. Seekrank
02. Störtebeker's Surfboard
03. It's Blood!
04. Surf Psychos Must Die
05. Wrist Fracture Boogie

Listen carefully because it might cause ear explosion.

Drop us a line here, here or at hellfishpsycho [at] gmail.com to get your copy and witness new ways of world destruction and 80s madness. In 3D!



happy new year!

While we wait for the mastering, here's a few impressions from the recording session.
Beers up!