
red fang // black tusk

If you don't know what to do next Monday, go and see this show.
Even if you know what to do:

Also, admire Georgy's acting (drinking) talent.


8-bit fight!

I just played the NES game Hellfish vs. the World II. Great stuff, i wonder why they never released it for mass production!? Maybe because it was designed for mind controlling...
Well, you should try it out. Believe me, it's worth it!
Try it and praise the mighty Hellfish! I mean...try it and enjoy your life as if nobody was controlling your mind.


alp'n rockets

Like THIS TEAM or a squadron of Gargoyles will rape your teddy bears and bite their heads off while you sleep and blame it on you afterwards!

ça plane pour moi

Our french friends on their first Hellfish 3D-experience! Cheers!

80s tees

Click HERE for a fantastic collection of 80s T-Shirts you could wear on your next Hellfish experience! Cause Hellfish is also 80s madness. Yo!
